1 - (Time : 1:30 minutes, Laptops/desktops : 10, Students strength : 15 to 20).
Desktop or Laptop computer.
Students should have basic Computer knowledge like switch on and off the computer, right click, left click and double click.
1. Finding the treasure hunt using clues given. All this will be done through a treasure hunt game in the computer.
Here are the instructions for the teachers for treasure hunt:
Here is the folder link to download and then do as given in the instructions:
Here are the instructions for Students deatils for the treasure hunt:
Learn about Searching, Finding and Replacing words and Hyperlinked Words.
Learn the task of opening an encrypted file using a video and follow the steps in it.
2. Students should create a folder in D drive. After creating it, move the folder to C drive and then rename the folder to “My favorites”.
Here is the solution for creating, moving and renaming the folder.